
I have worked as a scientist for 15 years studying manmade chemicals in products, people, and the environment. I have spent 5 years evaluating ingredients for their toxicity and environmental impact. Prior to becoming a scientist, I worked as an esthetician. This experience gives me a unique view on product formulation that form the guiding principles I will always follow when formulating products.

I promise I will always use:

Ingredients are recognizable as natural. My promise to you is that I will never use synthetic or petrochemical-based ingredients. While there are some synthetic ingredients that do not have safety concerns, processing those ingredients is chemical and energy intensive. Many ingredients have little (if any) toxicity data available, so it is impossible to know if they really are safe. For those reasons, I will always choose natural ingredients with a history of safe use.

Ingredients are minimally processed. There are many naturally derived synthetic ingredients on the market, or natural ingredients that have gone through intensive processing. That processing is chemical and energy intensive. Heavy processing can also alter the innate character of the plant being used. I will always choose ingredients that have gone through minimal processing.

Just a few ingredients in each product. Why? Fewer ingredients minimize the likelihood of an adverse reaction while making it easier to pinpoint the culprit if a reaction does occur. Using fewer ingredients conserves energy and resources in production and shipping. In addition, using fewer ingredients mean I will avoid using the “kitchen sink” method of formulating in which you just throw every interesting or trendy herb into the mix. My products have clear intent, are gentle on your skin, and safe to use.

Ingredients that are safe to ingest. Your skin is your body’s largest organ. It is permeable, meaning that what you put on your skin can enter your body to some extent. Why would you want to put something on the outside of your body that isn’t safe to put inside it? In general, if it is safe to eat it is probably safe to put on your skin. I choose ingredients that are safe for consumption. (Disclaimer – please don’t eat any of the products from Balsam Hollow Botanicals. These products are not intended for human consumption).

Ingredients that are readily biodegradable. Remember the bit about chemicals that don’t breakdown leaving a long and nasty legacy after use? Not good. I will always choose ingredients that are easily broken down and assimilated by nature. Don’t let your product choices leave a lasting, poisonous legacy in our water, soil, air, or fellow inhabitants.

Ingredients that are organically grown or wildcrafted. Of all the humanmade chemicals in wide use, pesticides are some of the most well-understood in terms of ecological and human impacts. I will never use pesticides on anything I grow myself, nor will I purchase ingredients for use in Balsam Hollow Botanicals that are not organically grown. Period.

Packaging that is sustainable, reusable, and minimizes plastic. While packaging is not an ingredient per se, it is an integral part of the product and deserves as much attention and care in selection as the ingredients themselves. I will always do my best to choose packaging that is reusable, recyclable and with minimal plastic. I really encourage you to clean and reuse your bottles and jars once you have used all the product!

Finally, I promise to formulate with the whole of the living world in mind and will strive to make choices that have minimal impact.

With gratitude,
